TV Writers by Ethnic Group

Figures in this chart are derived from the 2,362 writers employed in the 2019-2020 T.V. Season for whom ethnicity data is available. A.A.P.I. denotes Asian, South Asian, and Pacific Islanders. “Native/Indigenous” denotes Native American, Indigenous, and First Nations. U.S. Population data for the Native/Indigenous group comes from the U.S. Census 2018 A.C.S. 1-Year Estimate, and has been revised upward from a prior version of this report to include Native Americans who may be mixed race or Afro-Indigenous. U.S. Population data on Middle Eastern Americans also comes from the U.S. Census 2018 A.C.S. 1-Year Estimate.

Screenwriters by Ethnic Group

Figures in this chart are derived from the 1,831 screenwriters employed in 2019 for whom ethnicity data is available. A.A.P.I. denotes Asian, South Asian, and Pacific Islanders. “Native/Indigenous” denotes Native American, Indigenous, and First Nations. U.S. Population data for the Native/Indigenous group comes from the U.S. Census 2018 A.C.S. 1-Year Estimate, and has been revised upward from a prior version of this report to include Native Americans who may be mixed race or Afro-Indigenous. U.S. Population data on Middle Eastern Americans also comes from the U.S. Census 2018 A.C.S. 1-Year Estimate, rather than U.S. Census Bureau Estimate v2019.